School of Communism

Welcome To The School Of Communism

In June, hundreds of revolutionaries from all over the world gathered in Italy for the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International, with thousands more participating online.

In addition to officially establishing our new International, the conference was a school of communism, with around 20 sessions on all aspects of our theory, history and thought. 

This podcast series provides recordings of all of the speeches from the founding conference of the RCI. 

You’ll find episodes about our philosophy, our perspective on the most pressing issues facing workers and youth today, and answers to common slanders about what communists stand for. 

Together, these talks represent the complete programme of our international. If you’re inspired by what you hear, and agree with our point of view: join us at

Links and information about getting involved are included in all the episode descriptions, and you can learn more about the RCI on our main website: You can also listen to our main weekly podcast series, the Spectre of Communism.