School of Communism

World revolution or socialism in one country?

Ever since the days of Marx and Engels, communists have understood that the struggle to overthrow capitalism is inherently international.

This reflects the fact that capitalism is a global system, and that the power of the world market can only be overthrown by the planned cooperation of at least several countries, operating on the basis of the most advanced productive forces developed under capitalism.

It was with this in mind that Lenin describes the Russian Revolution as only the start of the world proletarian revolution.

However, after Lenin’s death in 1924, Stalin put forward the idea of ‘socialism in one country’, which marked a fundamental departure not only from the internationalism of Lenin, but from Marxism itself.

In this talk, Josh Holroyd from the RCI’s international leadership will explain why socialism in one country is impossible, and how the adoption of this false idea contributed to some of the worst catastrophes ever suffered by the world workers’ movement.