School of Communism

The Bolsheviks in power

After the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas ‘the Bloody’ Romanov in 1917, the new revolutionary regime in Russia (led by the Bolshevik Party) began the monumental task of socialist reconstruction. 

They were met almost immediately by the White counter-revolution, leading to a terrible Civil War in which the Bolsheviks led a life-or-death struggle to save the revolution. 

Despite enormous difficulties, immense strides forward were taken for the peasantry, women, and oppressed nationalities; while control of production began to be transferred to workers in the factories. Attempts were made to spread the revolution worldwide, with the founding of the Communist International.
In this talk, Rob Sewell, co-author of a new biography, In Defence of Lenin, talks about the accomplishments of the Bolsheviks during the early, heroic years after the revolution. Purchase your copy from today!