School of Communism

What is behind ‘right populism’ and how do we fight it?

Growing support for reactionary politicians like Trump and Le Pen, and parties like the AfD in Germany, have led to panic from the ‘serious’ bourgeois and reformists about the ‘crisis of democracy’, the rise of ‘right populism’ – even ‘fascism’. In reality, these phenomena represent a distorted rejection of the capitalist establishment. 

As leading Austrian comrade Yola Kipcak explains, the collapse of the so-called political centre, the failure of the liberals and the reformists to provide any sort of solution to the problems of working people, and general disgust with the status quo have allowed demagogues on the right to gain support. 

Of course, none of these gangsters has any solutions either. What is needed is a radical alternative on the left, attacking the bosses, bankers and capitalists while offering a programme for the total transformation of society to the benefit of the masses.