School of Communism

Launch of the Revolutionary Communist International

Communism is international, or it is nothing. This was clearly understood by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, who all recognised the necessity to unite the struggles of workers, regardless of all national divisions against their common enemy: capitalism.  

Today, that message is more relevant and necessary than ever.

The capitalist system is in a deep crisis worldwide. Everywhere the workers are threatened with collapsing living standards, unemployment, wars and endless suffering. 

Millions of workers and youth are looking for a way out of the crisis. The reformists have no answer. They no longer stand for meaningful reforms, but counter-reforms and cuts.

A clean break is necessary.

In this talk, Alan Woods, lead theoretician of the RCI, explains why the time is ripe for launching a new Revolutionary Communist International and outlines the tasks that lie ahead for communists today.